Larry Vs Harry

Larry vs Harry is a Copenhagen based Cargobike producer. Its run by the owners and experienced developers, Lars Malmborg and Hans Fogh, who are helped by a dedicated bike and riding loving team. The foundation of their working relationship and continuing innovation, was, and still is their uncompromising dedication to quality and it is this that carries their products success.

We help LVH with all things related to moving images wether its a header for their website or instruction videos for owners to better maintain their Bullitt.

Bullitt X - B2B Case Story.

For the release of LVH’s new extended capacity cargo bike, we went to Zwolle, NL to follow and document the use of the new bike by messengers from Cycloon. We spent three days with the currier service in Holland and managed to get great insight into their use of the bike. Our main objective was to make an honest example of the benefits to professionals that this new bike frame had.

Looping header

For the production of their new website header we had a conversation about what could be cool to have as a header, but it wasent until we were out shooting initial scenes that the idea came to life. All classic Bullitt bike frames are geometrically identical. So we developed a way to shoot their bikes almost identically in a variety of different setting and afterwards superimposing the images 1:1 in AfterEffects.


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